If computers could feel, I think they would have empathy for me these days... After six weeks visiting family and friends in Mexico, we came back home to the final stretch of my summer course on Business, Society and Corporate (Mis)Conduct, and now I have a couple of research deadlines looming in the very short run...
So, if you were interested in my latest blog regarding sports, labor strikes, conferences, trips, or any other of the themes I often write about, I am sorry that I have not been able to sit down and write things down. I will tell you that I do have a couple of themes coming up very soon: one on Mexico's Taj Mahal and another on "frenemies." I hope you'll enjoy them, though I must first finish up my papers so I can tighten my writing and publish them here in a few weeks.
In the meantime, I hope you are having a great summer!!!
¡Hasta la próxima!