Now let me share with you seven questions about on which I have been working since last October, when I accepted to be the next Editor-in-Chief for the Business Journal of Hispanic Research (BJHR):

2. How does the BJHR contribute to NSHMBA’s new Vision? Other than this journal, there is no other publication dedicated to foster and diffuse the most recent scientific findings that may be relevant for Hispanics and business. Only a “premier organization for Hispanic business professionals” has the organizing capacity and long-term forethought to bring education about Latinos beyond Hispanics themselves by means of a pragmatic, yet rigorous journal.
3. Can the BJHR contribute to NSHMBA’s new Mission and Strategic Objectives? Definitely! There are four statements that compose NSHMBA’s newly revised Mission:
- Increase the number of Hispanics graduating from MBA schools through scholarships, awareness programs and mentorship,
- Enhance career management opportunities for Hispanic MBAs from school to leadership positions, through job placement and world class professional development,
- To be the partner of choice for organizations seeking to hire and develop Hispanic talent, and
- Recruit and retain as life-long members a majority of Hispanic MBAs.
Regarding (3), the fact that the BJHR distinguishes NSHMBA from similar organizations (i.e., even though some professional organizations sponsor journals, no other professional organization by ethnic or protected-class currently publishes a journal as part of its offerings to its members and to society!) makes it more likely to be funded by sponsors to the extent that this fact is leveraged during NSHMBA’s fundraising initiatives.
And, lastly, though not less importantly, (4) recruitment and retention efforts are more likely to be successful if NSHMBA is perceived as a generator and promoter of knowledge useful for its Hispanic professional members by means of BJHR articles and development programs based upon them.
In like fashion, several of the Strategic Objectives defined by the National Board can be strongly supported by the continued publication of the BJHR; it is much more than another publication on business; it is the tool through which NSHMBA –and its partners and sponsors—foster original Research, the most refined type of education our society has created: generation and diffusion of knowledge!”
4. What is published in the BJHR? The BJHR publishes articles on all functional business areas (e.g., Strategic Management, Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Human Resources, Information Technologies, Training and Development, Education, Operations, Consulting, etc.). All manuscripts include implications or guidelines for practice; its five sections are: (1) The academic scholarly section; manuscripts can be empirical (quantitative or qualitative) or conceptual; data-based manuscripts are preferred. (2) The executive section includes case studies, executive insights, best practices, etc. (3) The executive summary section publishes succinct, pragmatic reviews of research relevant to the BJHR readers. (4) The book review section summarizes recent publications in book form. (5) A research-in-progress section describes studies that are being implemented.
5. Who reads the BJHR? Its main audiences are: (a) Practicing Business and Academic professionals (of any ethnicity) interested in Hispanics as a source of talent or a growing market; (b) Students enrolled in business and other programs at the executive, graduate and undergraduate levels; (c) Professionals with decision-making responsibilities such as marketing, diversity and inclusion executives, policy-makers and others. Have you read it lately? Find the latest edition here!
6. How is the quality of the BJHR content ensured? All papers are blind-reviewed by scholars and subject matter experts. The editorial board is composed of high-ranking executives and academics who offer recommendations to the Editorial team as to what articles are ready to be published or what improvements may be needed. The editors are senior-level academics or executives with ample experience in the process. Feedback is actively sought after.
7. Are there any fees or payments for editors, authors or contributors? No! In consistency with scientific practice in most Business journals, authors, reviewers and editors (with the exception of the Managing Editor, who works for the National Office) do not receive or are charged any monetary payments in exchange for their valuable, highly specialized work. The National Society of Hispanic MBA’s (NSHMBA) assumes all related costs to realize its vision "To be the premier organization for Hispanic business professionals" and its purpose "to foster Hispanic leadership through graduate management education and professional development. NSHMBA works to prepare Hispanics for leadership positions throughout the U.S., so that they can provide the cultural awareness and sensitivity vital in the management of the nation's diverse workforce.
I look forward to hearing your reactions about these questions on the BJHR! Let me close by wishing you a Feliz Navidad, a Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! I hope that your worst moments in 2011 are like the best of 2010!!!
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